School of law

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 phone number 2-36-53-41  (63-73)


Public lecture on  topic : "Importance of  Women and Youth engagement in Politics"

On March 26, 2018, the Law Clinic of the Faculty of Law and International Relations of Georgian Technical University organized a Public Lecture, which was conducted by  Executive Director of Georgian Young Lawyers Association  Irma Pavliashvili,  entitled "Women and Youth Engagement in Politics".Executive Director of the Lawyers Association Irma Pavliashvili talked about the necessity of  youth engagement in  current political processes  as well as the increasing role of  women in the mentioned processes.  She also discussed the following  different issues:  problems of  informed voter ,role and importance of education in  life,  ideology of political parties and internal democratic processes.


 In the framework of Practical Law Clinic, the following events will be held in 2017-2018 academic year:

We want to inform you that the following  activities will be conducted within the 2017-2018 academic year

  1. Moot court trials- Imitated trials will be conducted in criminal, civil and administrative law. The 3rd and 4th year students of Bachelor's Degree will participate in mentioned processes. Students will be prepared in advance up to 2 months and then they will hold a mock trial in the Supreme Court of Georgia.

2. Parliamentary debates / the technique of  presentation- is a formal method  to conduct discussion or    dispute between  parties which is held once in every academic year. Students will undergo special courses through which they will learn how to conduct constructive debates about art, culture, they will obtain skills of quick thinking, etc.

3. The  Study of legal terminology in English Language. –The students will learn legal terminology in English Language as well as they will learn how to prepare documentation in English and so on.

4. The Techniques  of Legal Document Drafting/ Legal  Writing Skills- the mentioned enables the student to develop skills of document drafting for  Court proceedings as well as provides with  practical advice for  preparation of outcome oriented documents.5.   " Basic  Law Enforcement training in Tbilisi Schools" - Students will realize their obtained knowledge. They will  introduce basic human rights and obligations to schoolchildren that will improve their  practical skills for conducting training courses.

6.Rights of persons with disabilities ( this process involves the Public Defender of Georgia) – The mentioned training course includes  thematic study on the  right of persons with disabilities as well as their social assistance and so on.

  1. Conflicts: History and Challenges of Georgian-Abkhazian and Georgian-Ossetian Conflicts - The goal of the course is: to share practical and theoretical knowledge on the essence of conflicts, to develop practical skills, conduct both role-playing games and simulation of negotiations.
  2. Elections and Active Citizen - it aims to promote  raising awareness of young voters and support their  activation.
  3. Domestic violence/ Femicide – the goal of the course is to provide students with lectures and

various practical activities. A mock trial will be held that will facilitate realization of obtained theoretical knowledge.

  1. Hate Speech - during this training course, students will study the approach of the European Court of Human Rights, as well as internal legislation and other important issues related to “freedom of expression”.

11.Construction Law - the primary objective of mentioned  training course is to discuss important issues of  construction law, property rights, privatization in Georgia and so on.

  1. Patients' Rights /Health Care Law-  students will learn about rights of patients’ regional system, rights and obligations of health care.
  2. Protection Mechanisms of Personal Data - Students will get knowledge about the regulations that are currently in force in Georgia. They will also meet with inspector of personal data protection.
  3. Within the project of Refugee and Refugee Law, students will learn International standards for internally displaced persons, state policy and their legal status.

15. Juvenile Justice - students should realize the juvenile offense, as a criminal event, also students must consider its economic, political, legal and technical peculiarities as a way which can  prevent crime.  The law clinic of Georgian Technical University was created in 2013 on the basis of the Law Department. The program represents a training discipline, which provides free legal advice for beneficiaries as well as serves vulnerable citizens in case of need.

Law Clinic of Georgian Technical University conduct  activities in civil law, public law and criminal law. The aim of the clinic is to assist  both  graduate students and master's program students to apply obtained theoretical knowledge in practice as well as helps them


develop  advocacy skills.
Under supervision of experienced Professors and practicing lawyers, students acquire practical experience which is the most important for their future professional activities.

Students study  the ways to establish a legal problem, as well as the ways  for their solutions. They learn  independent drafting of legal documents, effective implementation of time and resources.  According to the specificity of the clinic students  give  legal advice in oral and written forms, participate in the preparation of  cases for further review, attend  trials.

Project of Criminalistics Laboratory "From action to crime"

Department of Law of  Faculty of Law and International Relations together with Criminalistics Laboratory  has been Implementing the project "From Action to Crime".

The project is the most interesting mock process including the whole process from  crime to  conviction.  Students of all departments together with  criminologists participate in the project. The process includes video recording  and the completed project is a very interesting, cognitive short film.

The Criminalistics Laboratory  arranged a presentation of technical means

 The Criminalistics Laboratory   of  Faculty of Law and International Relations, arrangedpresentation of technical facilities existing on their base. The presentation included all technical or chemical means which help students of Laboratory  to obtain practical knowledge and experience. The event was the most  important for both  students and interested individuals who plan to learn the mentioned  profession in the future.   

Lithuanian lawmakers visited the Criminalistics Laboratory

Lithuanian lawmakers visited the Criminalistics Laboratory of  the Faculty of Law and International Relations of Georgian Technical University. Students of Laboratory presented their chemical and technical facilities and conducted practical laboratory studies.  Lithuanian guests were excited and noted that such  laboratory will really help students to obtain theoretical knowledge and practical skills.